This page will speak to Tinka, our Calico Cat, and feature pictures of fellows that have made their way
to these pages via the web.
The mistress was upset this morning when I caught |
that little bird out on the deck, making me stay outside all day long. |
While I am a working cat, I can't work all of the time, and I do like a siesta now and then. I suppose I have as many neuroses
as the next kitty. For example, I cannot stand it when I see bare plate on the bottom of my food dish, and put up a squawk
on each occasion. "My favorite musical, you ask? That's easy! It's Cats!"
"I work the third shift, so it is imperative that |
I get my rest during the day." |
"I was feline non grata on this couch when it was |
new, for I had shredded the corners of the previous sofa." |
"I really hate thunderstorms, but it is reassuring |
when I can cuddle up with my friend." |
Big Red holds that "discretion is the |
better part of valor. |
if I have not been set upon by hawks, vultures, coyotes, owls, fox, dogs and badgers, have lost my right paw in a trap,
endured infections, have a cauliflowered right rear, once darned near starved to death, and have been in more fights than
I care to mention, there is now some dude up in Wisconsin who wants to off my kind, calls us feral cats. Just to
play it safe, I take cover now and then, as you can see, and my main adversary around here is a Calico Cat named Tinka, who
I out weigh 10 to 1."
--Big Red, aka Al Capone, aka Gato Gordo


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Whoever coined the phrase "Dog Days of Summer" |
was just not being inclusive enough |
"I hear my parents say that I am about the finest cat they have ever known, but I suspect ambivalence, for I have also
heard them say, "She is spoiled rotten."
"Wildcat" |
From Pix and Scans Club |
"The mistress is just placating me. She knows how |
I feel about that stray alley cat, Red." |
Earlier on, Red was a virtual tiger in the woods, |
but look at him now and his feline condition. |
Red, aka Capone, a stray, came to our house on |
Super Bowl Sunday and has never left. |